Like EZ Hyung said, first you search the name, something that sounds good and think of the meaning at the very last. Daybreak started with their abbreveation. They found that 'db' was looking nice and it looked like headphones. So they started to think of names that could be abbreviated with 'db'. After suggestions like 'Daebak'(big success) or 'Dubu'(Tofu) they finally came to their name 'Daybreak'. But before that another name with in discussion, 'Kangnam Boys'. At EZ Hyugs question who of the five came from Kangnam it turns out that noone comes from there.
Daybreak is the time when everyone sleeps, but like people who are already preparing for work or the daily life, Daybreak is the name with the thought of them wanting to sing about this daily life they're living silently.
Daybreak is going to release their EP this month (probably 19th) which contains 5 tracks including an intro, new versions of 사진, 범퍼카 and Urban Life Style, which were already on their first album, and the song 좋다 which they promoted during 'Hello Rookie'. In the broadcast of Mintpaper radio on 3rd December they also said that they plan to release a 2nd album in midst of 2010.
will be keeping eyes open for them.
do that, because they're 좋다~~ 너무나도 좋다~ 사랑해서 좋다~~ *sings*
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