Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Indie Band Names' Meaning Part 2

This was quite confusing and at times I thought making a part 2 had been a mistake, some parts turned out quite weird.

This time: Dear Cloud, Yellow Monsters, The KOXX, Galaxy Express, Monni, Guckkasten, Sister's Barbershop, No Reply and Gajami Boys

T/N: Names are again romanised on a whim. Cookies for people who can give me romanised name for 가자미소년단. Sorry for weirdness.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

10cm's Americano doesn't die

10cm and Ha Ji Won acted together in a cf for coffee where 10cm's hit song 'Americano' had been rearranged with Ha Ji Won joining them. Even though it was their first time appearing in a cm, 10cm performed without a NG.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Indie Band Names' Meaning

Yesterday, I was searching for Achime(as searching with this name one finds everything but the band), I stumbled upon an article explaining the meanings of names from indie bands. Probably interesting to know that most of them don't have a real meaning, I did a quick translation.

This had been called 'part 1', so I hope there comes more. The first part contains Gloomy Monkeys, Soran, Daybreak, Munk, Neon Bunny, Broccoli you too, Oyster Boys and Joa Band. Please excuse me if there are names romanized wrong, I write them simply as I feel like.