Friday, February 12, 2016

Speed's Shin Jong-guk to be Guest Vocal during CoreMagaZinE's Performance

CoreMagaZinE will be performing among other amazing acts at Rolling Hall's 21st anniversary concert on Februar 21st. They will be supported by K-Pop group Speed's Lead Vocal Shin Jong-guk, who posted a selfie with the band and said:

제가 이번에 평소에 정말 좋아하고 친하게 지내는 대한민국 대표 신스팝밴드 '코어매거진' 형님들과 이번 홍대 롤링홀 21주년 기념 공연에 객원보컬로써 같이 무대에 서게 되었습니다! 너무나도 기쁘고 뜻깊습니다^_^ 이번달 2월 21일 오후 5시부터 홍대 롤링홀에서 공연하구요! 티켓예매는 '인터파크'에서 하실 수 있습니다. 많이 찾아주셔서 같이 즐기고 가길 바라겠습니다! 감사하겠습니다! 정말 멋진 음악들려드릴게요. @ryu_coremagazine @coremagazine_dr @bandcoremagazine @guya88 #홍대 #공연 #롤링홀 #홍대롤링홀 #홍대롤링홀21주년 #밴드 #korea #pop #rock #신스팝 #코어매거진 #coremagazine #신종국

Ein von Jongkook Shin (@jongkookshin) gepostetes Foto am

"It happened that I will be standing with South Korea's representative Synth Band 'CoreMagaZinE', whom I usually really like and am close with, on the stage of Hongdae Rolling Hall's 21st Anniversary Concert as a guest vocalist! I'm so happy and it's so meaningful to me^_^ We perform this month, February 21st starting 5pm! You can preorder tickets at Interpark. I hope that many of you come and we can go have fun together! Thank you very much! We'r going to play really amazing music for you."*

*roughly translated

Speed gains fans with their startling acrobatics in their "Don't Tease Me!" choreography or more recently with their Heelies-incorporating choreo for "What U".

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