October 25 Broccoli You Too released their 2nd album 'Graduation', asking for an examination concerning broadcast possibility from each broadcast station. Contrary to all the other broadcastings which judged the 12 tracks (including hidden track) fitting for broadcast, KBS rejected the one song 'Graduation' with the reason the lyrics being sex-appealing. On November 26, the band Broccoli You Too requested a reexamination without special changes in the song.
Following the article from Kukinews reporter Lee Sun Hee, the part of the lyrics with the sexual appealing problem is '꿈에서 아직 덜 깬 아이들은 내일이면 모든 게 끝날 듯 짝짓기에 몰두했지' (roughly translated to 'when it becomes tomorrow, the children that are still half asleep in their dreams, will be absorbed into copulation(짝짓기)') and '우리들은 팔려가는 서로를 바라보며 서글픈 작별의 인사를 나누네' (roughly translated to 'looking at each other, selling (ourselves), we say our lonesome farewells'). The KBS committee for examining songs reported that "With the word 'copulation'(짝짓기), meaning the pairing behavior of animals, it associates with the sexual act of humans. And, 'selling'(팔려가는) associating prostitution and human trafficking, [the song] is not advisable."
Broccoli You Too can't agree with the quested part being seen as 'sexual appealing'. The expression 'copulation'(짝짓기) means, following to the Standard Korean Language Dictionary of the National Institute of the Korean Language, a pairing behavior of animals and sexual act of humans, but can also have the meaning of 'people who like each other pairing up or being paired up'. Broccoli You Too thinks that connecting this word with the sexual meaning out of those two, was because of a simple analysis, not considering the context of the lyrics. Also at the second problem considering 'selling', the lyrics have not been taken in context properly. It has to be understood, that this is a metaphor of the state after graduation, choosing a workplace you don't want, just to earn money. Understanding that, it is impossible to connect this line with prostitution or human trafficking.
source: boonga boonga records (very rough translated)
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