Sunday, November 1, 2009

[TUNE] goes farther than just GMF

Tune tells us how to safe the environment: take the public transport! Tune does it too.

Next to his new experiences of a new Japanese Ramen Restaurant (the ramen there are so tasty that you get teary when eating them) he tells us over his me2day that he also took a seminar about 'Green Jobs' at the Dongguk University (for 3 days - thursday till saturday) He surely takes his job as Tune seriously.


Anonymous said...

I am pretty much always using public transport. It's really cool how TUNE is sticking up for the enviornmental issues and animal rights. :]

wassereis said...

me too, actually. But I also would never want to drive in Seoul >_>;;
I'm also impressed how serious he takes this all.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that about the driving too! XD
That they sometimes even go up on the sidewalks and stuff~~

wassereis said...

lol, didn't had that yet, but they way they drive on the streets ... duh